Everyday was looking like a … funeral …. but there was no real funeral. It was all … the usual daily

Everyday was looking like a … funeral …. but there was no real funeral. It was all … the usual daily

Blog Article


life … and nothing more.  written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru




Peter was going out from time to time with his friends … to drink beer … till late in the night.

They did that from high school.

The funny thing about him and his friends was just that if someone would measure their vibes before they entered into the pub and at the time when they were leaving … could see a huge difference.

It was like they were treating their depression at the pub … together.

Many years ago … when they were students … i saw them happy before and after their meeting … but today ….

Peter’s face was looking like the one of a guy that was coming from a funeral … but there was no funeral into that day in our small town.

I started to wonder … is Peter suffering of depression?!

Maybe he was treating his depression with … alcohol … and that’s why he was so smiley at the pub?!



There were so many questions into my mind regarding Peter … but his life looked to me like an eternal funeral.

And one day i found the gut to ask him … “Peter …. why the hell you look so bad before you enter the pub and… look like a person with such a great vibe when you are here?!”

“Hmm .. difficult question … but …

It’s a long story.

Maybe the short story is that … at home …. in my marriage … i am not a happy person.

It’s like something died between us …. and we participate now at an eternal funeral.

We can’t find the guts to end it … so the marriage itself is destroying us everyday … little by little.

You see … coming here with my friends … it’s not about alcohol even if this is what it looks like … but mainly connecting to a beautiful energy from the old times.”

So … what i saw at Peter as a depression … was actually the reflection of a negative energy generated by the connection between him and his wife.

And every time when he entered into another type of environment … or maybe i should say … energetic field … Peter could become again that … Peter … which i use to know from school.

A joyful person …

Hmm … too bad his life from home was like an eternal funeral.

I try to understand him …. even if i believe that Peter could be saved … cause he was still young … but he was … delaying everything.



We most probably … simple don’t understand that a funeral is mainly about saying “Good bye!” ….or to be much clear … “ Good bye … forever!” … and should not take … an eternity.

What looks as a depressive vibe is probably whispering us something … that is …. more … a message … but an abstract one.

I am seeing it …. but don’t know if Peter is realizing what is really going on.



Download the book ”Depression ... the gateway to the real happinesswritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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